What if my teacher cancels a lesson?
✏️ What if my teacher cancels a lesson?
Our teachers understand that being consistent is very important in lessons and that your time is important, so they will always prioritize having your lesson at the original date and time whenever possible.
Sometimes teachers will need flexibility from you, and sometimes you will need flexibility from teachers. In the even that your teacher has to reschedule a lesson, you will receive a Make Up Credit. Make up credits are only issued for Teacher Cancellations; you can ask your teacher if they can offer a courtesy make up lesson for a Family Cancellation, but you will not receive a Make Up Credit. Most Make Up Credits are redeemed right away.
How can I redeem a Make Up Credit?
We have four easy ways for you and your teacher to redeem a Make Up Credit. You and your teacher can work together to determine what works best for your situation.
A different day or time
A virtual lesson
Additional time on future lessons
A personalized video for the student (10-15 min)
You can also choose to simply skip the lesson and ask your teacher to mark it as a Family Cancellation instead (no make up lesson and a Make Up Credit will not be issued).
Can a Make Up Credit be redeemed right away?
Yes, just reach out to your teacher. In most cases, make up lessons are able to scheduled and completed within 7 days.
What if I can't redeem a Make Up Credit right away?
We make it easy to redeem Make Up Credits by being able to offer 90 days from the date of the originally scheduled lesson to have your make up lesson.
In the rare event that you accumulate more than one month of Make Up Credits from Teacher Cancellations in 90 days (either 4 or 5 make up credits depending on the date of the originally scheduled lesson) you can request that we issue a Tuition Credit towards your next month of tuition by emailing us. We are unable to issue monetary refunds for Tuition Credits. Family Cancellations do not earn Make Up Credits; however, as stated above, you can always ask your teacher if they're able to offer a courtesy make up for a Family Cancellation at the time of cancellation or prior to your scheduled lesson date.
Unused Make Up Credits expire 90 days after the original lesson date. If you cancel a lesson that you had requested to reschedule, the Make Up Credit would be considered redeemed. Make Up Credits have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Can I get a Make Up Credit for a Family Cancellation?
No, but you can ask for a courtesy make up. If you cancel a lesson (not your teacher), that is considered a Family Cancellation. Your teacher understands the need for flexibility, so you can always ask your teacher in advance of the cancelled lesson date and time if they are able to offer a courtesy make up, and they will provide one if possible using one of the four ways listed above. Because your teacher was available to teach at the originally scheduled day and time, Family Cancellations are not eligible for Make Up Credits guaranteeing a make up lesson and do not count toward a Tuition Credit.
Our teaching year is 48 weeks long. During school holidays, our school is closed every year. To allow families to enjoy time together and to avoid burdening families with make up lessons during this time, there are no lessons scheduled during school holidays. These are weeks without scheduled lessons, not your teacher cancelling a lesson, so nothing needs to get made up.
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